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Custom peptides synthesis:

PopChem has many years of experience in solid phase peptide synthesis. We can offer a wide range of different purity , length and special modified peptides to meet customers鈥� different research according to their requests .PopChem specializes in peptides, especially in the cyclic peptide (Cyclicpeptide), composite antigen peptide (MAPs), isotope labeling Peptides (15N,13C), methylation peptide (Methyl - peptide), sulfonated peptide (Sulfication - peptide), phosphorylated peptide (Phosphopeptides), Fluorescent labeled Peptides (Fluorescent Labeled Peptides), BIOTIN labeling Peptides (BIOTIN) and the Modification of small peptide (Modification Peptides), etc.
PopChem has a group of experienced organic synthesis research and development personnel, specializing in the research of special modified peptides chemical synthesis method.


Linear peptides synthesis:
From small scale (mgs) to large scale(kgs)
Peptides length up to 101 amino acids
Different purity level (crude,desalted, 錛�75%銆侊紴80%銆侊紴85%銆侊紴90%銆侊紴95%銆侊紴98%銆�99%)

Varieties modifications

1.Simple modified peptides: N-term:Acetylation and C-term:Amidation for free!
2.Cyclicpeptides:Amidecyclic (Sidechain,end),Double Disulfied bridges,Three Disulfied bridges and so on.
3.Composite antigen peptide (MAPs):2 branched peptides,4 branched peptides,8 branched peptides,16 branched peptides,etc.
4.Isotope labeling Peptides 錛�15N,13C錛夛細offering Ala錛�15N,13C錛夈€丄rg錛�15N,13C錛夈€両le錛�15N,13C錛夈€丩eu錛�15N,13C錛夈€丳he錛�15N,13C錛夈€丩ys錛�15N,13C錛夈€乂al錛�15N,13C錛塼hese labeling peptides.
5.Methyl-peptide錛歀ys(Me)銆� Lys(Me)2銆� Lys(Me)3銆乀yr(Me)銆乀hr(Me)銆丼er(Me)銆丏-2-Me-Trp銆丄rg(Me)2 銆丄rg(Me)2 symmetrical銆丄rg(Me)2 asymmetrical銆丯-Me-Arg銆丯-Me-Ala銆丯-Me-Asp銆丯-Me-Glu銆丯-Me-Met銆丯-Me-Leu銆丯-Me-Ile銆丯-Me-Val銆丯-Me-Nle銆丯-Me-Nva銆丯-Me-Phe銆丯-Me-Ser銆丯-Me-Trp銆丯-Me-Thr銆丯-Me-Val銆丯-Me-Gly銆丯-Me-Tyr.etc.
8.Fluorescent Labeled Peptides錛欶ITC銆丩ys錛團ITC錛夈€�5-FAM銆丩ys(5-FAM)銆�5-TAMRA銆丩ys錛�5-TAMRA錛夈€丆y3銆� Cy5銆丆y5.5銆丆y7銆丷hodamine 110銆丷hodamine B銆丄FC, AMC銆乸NA,etc.
10.Protein Conjugation:BSA銆並LH銆丱VA.
11.Special amino acids:D-amino acids銆丆it銆丄ib銆丄bu銆丄hx銆丱rn銆丳yr銆丯le銆丳ra銆丼ar,etc.

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